Friday, January 9, 2009

I Will Never Believe In Anything Again

Such a pretty face.
That is all I ever hear,
paired with a heavy heart,
facing the mirror--
I hope it swallows me up.
Pinch here and another there,
maybe if I grab hard enough,
the flaws will shrink.
My eyes have deviated
"from what makes me beautful"
and is instead comparing,
constantly comparing,
myself to all the girls I am surrounded by.
How can I compete?
I constantly batter myself,
day and night,
telling myself I will change.
All I am left with is-
an emaciated self worth
and an obese self image-
besides the hatred I have for myself.
The tears do not seem to end,
as I want my mind to lie to me,
in a way that my eyes cannot.

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