Monday, April 13, 2009

Let's Hear It For America's Suitehearts

Trying to understand the logic of the illogical,
Where lies are truth and the world is upside down,
As a people we grasp on to what does not make sense,
Taking the messes of yesterday
and sweeping them under the carpet.
We chanted for change, change, change,
But are more concerned with personal than professional,
What happened to the honest reality of ourselves,
Where we do no forget that everyone
is nothing but a bundle of emotion and DNA.
Eager to gobble up words of how famous live their lives,
We forget to live out our own,
Unconcerned that we have completely lost ourselves.
Trust me-
They cannot write it better than you have felt it.
What happened to the honest reality of ourselves,
Where the ideal woman was not someone that
is only .2% of the population as a whole,
Leaving others believing they are less than.
Hands that hold the world are shaken, upset,
We have forgotten what it is like to be the truth,
We have forgotten what it is like to look for truth
and have settled for nothing more than second best,
In words,
In relationships,
In ourselves,
In life.

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