Tuesday, February 24, 2009

There Is Beauty In the Breakdown

He saw, and it was good.
Lord cradle us tenderly,
Whisper sweet words on the winds,
Gift us with beauty that cannot be captured,
We rest in Your arms.
The fruit tasted so sweet at first,
But turned to dust in our mouths,
You could have given up on us,
Left us to die, faithfully unquenched,
Instead we still saw light, Your light,
We rely on Your love.
We fell as if a waterfall,
Farther and faster away from Your love,
But never too far out of reach,
You were always ready to scoop us out of the dark,
We trust in Your words.
You have made the road stable,
But those who seek to harm set us up to stumble,
Catch me, catch them, catch us please,
We think we are invincible but we need second chances,
The road to You is not as easy as belief,
We need Your forgiveness.

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