Tuesday, March 3, 2009

I Brought You My Bullets

Bitterness is slick,
Sliding down your throat quick
and sure, leaves acid in its wake,
Fueling the embers sure to ignite, slake
your thirst of blood and tears,
I pity someone who comes near.
Maybe this is not what you wanted,
Well too bad, it hollows your being to gaunt
proportions, second chances are a thing of the past,
There is no room for the "I wish I had...", fast
and sure judgment is passed.
They cannot claim they knew not
what they did, unheeded and undaunted
of what lies ahead, of what is almost here,
You can feel the force of their lies snapping, their fear
as they realize their neck is next, you make
sure the process is slow and painful, take
the time to imprint on your memory, stick
it to them like they left it to you. Click.

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